The local church is a household built around a table—the Lord’s Table, where we come each week to commune around the elements, a meal with our God. God made dinner tables to have a certain gravity to them, a certain weight. When we share a meal together, we’re each being built up by the same food, each becoming bodies made of the same stuff.
But the local church is not just a household with a table in the middle of it, it is a household made of households. The church is made of many tables, and we are convinced that those tables—the table sitting in your dining room right now—have gravity, too, and that gravity should pull others in.
So one of the biggest—yet simplest—means through which we aim to foster family unity as a church is through intentional table fellowship. We would encourage every family in the church to try and have another family over for dinner at least every week or two, sharing some simple food, praying, and being friends.
The simplest way to get involved in this “ministry” is simple: Invite someone over from the pew next to you!
If you’re new the church, if that scares you to death, or if your housing situation simply doesn’t allow for hospitality (we get it, we’ve all lived in college dorm with 27 other people at least once in our lives), send us your contact info with the form below and we’ll get you a chair at a dinner table in the body. Don’t be shy!